Mount Richardson

Last Sunday me and my family woke up early and got ready for a big hike! It took about an hour and a half to drive to Mount Richardson. On the way we saw lots of baby sheep, cows, mountains, and lush green fields.
When we finally got to Mount Richardson, we walked to the trail and started hiking. The trail went straight up and it was hard to hike. Calvin, my brother, started whining for food and rest. We encouraged him and he finally got up.
Parts of the top of the trail had snow, and when we got to the top, it was really windy and cold.
When we got back to the car, it was nearly dark. The next day we found that we had hiked SEVEN MILES. It took us six hours to complete 7 miles.
I feel proud that we have hiked that far with a four year old.

Creature of the Deep

The creature of the deep looks like a stoney sharp shark. Its eyes are as red as a demon. It sits at the bottom of the ocean waiting for its prey, a blue whale. Its speed is four miles every 5 seconds. They also live in pods and they live in big caves at the very bottom of the ocean. The creatures of the deep have teeth sharper than a great white shark. Its size is bigger than five monster trucks and a great white shark combined. Its movement is like a wiggly worm but when it try’s to eat its prey it goes completely straight.

Calendar Art

Give us some feedback on our art work.

What creative minds we have in Room 4

Tessellation Patterns


Tessellation Patterns

Tessellation Patterns

Tessellation Patterns

By Tim


Let me tell you a story about the cabfluffike.
It has a circle and square eye.
With a mouth made of fluff with sharp lips.
Teeth like knifes with a body like a cabbage.
It was made when a lighting strom came!

This is the Cab-fluff-ike
By Mustabshera



Snbihabosies hamburger arms are brown, as brown as poo can be.
His skirt is like a brown yellow colour.
His snake around his leg is a rattlesnake that can spit out venim  ssssssss.
His bodies are big and fat with smiley faces.
The viking sword that he stole is really, really cool like fossilized diamonds.
It spits out fireworks.
They sound like booms going off in war.
They look like a highlighted rainbow colour.
The birds nests that are in his hair are 300,000,000,000,000 years old so they stink like old poo and wee. 
That is my monster !!!!!

Work by Indy phillips

En McDonald's hamburgerhambuger

Eastern mud snake.jpgsnake

Turbo Powered Tarantula

Turbo Powered Tarantula
My Monster has a body like a funny apple, eyes like a scary snake, 
so scary it scared the toughest man in the world, 
a nose like Pinocchio, but he never lies, 
a mouth like the Choir, 
legs like a cheetah, and arms like a human. My Monster as friendly as a daddy long leg,
as clever as a monkey.
It is about 25 cm tall, and it is 10 cm wide, 
it eats rubbish so we can have a healthy and clean enviroment,

Work by Maia
of a huge, hairy tarantula